诊断成像 | 博天堂官方-博天堂官方


诊断成像是一个令人兴奋的、动态的、进步的领域. 毕业生 我们的诊断成像项目有资格获得普通放射学认证. 一旦学生完成认证考试,他们就被认为是放射技术专家 (x射线技术). 该认证为专业成像模式打开了大门 like CT, MRI, mammography, sonography, and more. Graduates can pursue these pathways after the program while working as a Radiologic Technologist.

What does an X-ray Tech do?

放射技术人员构成了第三大医疗保健专业人员群体 in number only by physicians and nurses. 

许多技术人员的主要职责是创建患者身体的图像 using medical 设备. This helps doctors diagnose and treat diseases and injuries. 根据你的专业,你可能会使用x光、核磁共振、CT、透视或超声检查 设备. 

在某些情况下,你可以准备和注射放射性药物给病人 before creating the images. 

你也可以帮助医生进行手术,比如血管成形术或支架植入 treat heart and blood vessel diseases without surgery. Or you might administer therapeutic doses of radiation to treat diseases such as cancer. 

有了高等教育,你也可以从事放射科医生助理的工作. 在这个角色中,你最终将学会执行放射科医生所需要的许多程序 would otherwise do.

I’m interested, what are my next steps?

Begin by meeting with an Academic Advisor. They will work to create an academic plan for you to complete the prerequisites to apply for the program. For more information call 541-917-4923 or email Healthcare项目@mwinata.com.


The program lasts approximately 22 months. Applications open in January and the next cohort begins each Summer in late June. Detailed 日期 are provided in the 项目公告.

你的前9个月在教室和实验室学习基础 成像. 在第二年,你将在医院或临床环境中学习 alongside 成像 professionals serving patients directly. Courses included in the program can be found on the 程序图 或者在目录中. 

毕业后,毕业生将有资格完成他们的认证考试 美国放射技师注册(ARRT),并获得准会员资格 Applied Science degree. 

Employment Opportunities

放射技术专家的需求量很大,因为他们也倾向于支持其他专业 成像 specialties like CT, MRI, Mammography, Sonography, etc. Once graduates complete 通过认证考试,他们就有资格在美国任何地方工作, Canada, and Australia. At this time it is an employee market with a projected growth in this field of at least 9-10% over the next year. There are job opportunities throughout 这个国家. 

INDEED: 11 Reasons to Become a Radiologic Technologist

Estimated Program Costs

博天堂官方 offers numerous scholarships and grant opportunities.

我们的诊断成像计划的估计费用包括学费,书籍,和 additional costs associated with the program.


第一年学费 & 费用(估计)


Second Year 学费 & 费用(估计)


Total cost for both years


*As of 2023-24 Academic Year

Advising Information

Begin by meeting with an Academic Advisor. They will work to create an academic plan for you to complete the prerequisites to apply for the program. For more information call 541-917-4923 or email Healthcare项目@mwinata.com.

Application Process

进入我们的诊断成像项目队列需要您完成我们的 application process.

我们的课程有特殊的入学要求和入学限制,有班级队列 beginning each Summer. Please click on the following link and select the 诊断成像 Bulletin as your guide through the admission process. Applications typically open in the first week of January and close fairly quickly. Again continue to check the bulletin for 日期.


What knowledge/skills/abilities are important in this career?

适应性/灵活性/社会洞察力:对年龄相关的基本理解 照顾和/或与患者和护理人员沟通的差异. 能力 迅速、适当地应对各种可能出现的紧急情况 患者群体,以及调整有关他人的行动和适应提供 best possible care to patients. Possess sensitivity to the needs and experiences of 他人和对不同标准、价值观的人不加评判的态度 lifestyles, and ages.

Communication/Medical Terminology: 有效的书面和口头沟通能力,解释复杂的问题,交流 information between team members, and tactfully discuss issues. Knowledge of medical records, procedures, and terminology.

Confidentiality/Health Information Technology: 了解并能够遵守有关保密的州和联邦(HIPAA)法律 受保护的健康信息及其如何应用于健康信息技术.

客户服务: 了解客户服务的原则和流程. 这包括 客户需求评估,满足服务质量标准,并进行评价 of customer satisfaction.

安全/机械: 具备安全操作和程序的知识,以及设备和设备的知识 systems and the ability to promote safe and secure operations.

Stress Management/Problem Solving/Time Management: 能够在高压力/困难的情况下保持耐心和镇静. 能力 在规定的时间框架内组织、计划和优先完成工作 and to follow up on pending issues. 能力 to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and thrive in dynamic fast-paced environments.

What will a typical workday look like?

像其他医疗专业人员一样,你将提高安全性并提供最高水平的服务 of patient care as you complete your daily work. 

你可能会在医院、医生办公室、门诊护理中心或 实验室. 在大多数情况下,您将把工作分为技术任务和 interactions with patients. 

根据你选择的职业,你可能只见过个别病人一次,也可能很少 (for example, if you take X-rays or mammograms). Or you might see them regularly (for example, if you administer radiation to cancer patients). In the first case, you’ll 欢迎那些你还没见过的人,迅速打消他们的顾虑. 第二, 你会了解你的病人,消除他们的恐惧,分享他们的医疗经历 milestones during their treatment. 

无论你的专业是什么,你都将是医疗团队的重要组成部分. 你的工作 是否有助于发现健康问题并最终挽救生命. 你会很活跃 throughout your working hours, and no two days will be the same.

I’m interested in knowing more about ultrasound. What are our options?

我们与内布拉斯加大学医学中心建立了合作伙伴关系 to sonography (ultrasound). Our post-graduate pathways offer graduates an opportunity to learn sonography right here in Oregon. Once students graduate from our program 并通过考试,他们就可以继续在UNMC学习超声波 if accepted into their program. This pathway is unique in that students don't have 去内布拉斯加州旅行,他们在俄勒冈州这里学到他们需要知道的一切. 我们的毕业生花一年时间与他们的团队在一起,完成后将他们的董事会 sonography (ultrasound) and earn their bachelor's degree.

Computer screens showing diagnostic images
Diagnostic 成像 classroom


博天堂官方提供传统的,面对面的教学计划,以及远程 教育项目. 采用临床教学、在线课程相结合的方式 高校学习管理系统,同步虚拟课堂环境, 远程教育的学生可以接受动态的指导,帮助他们实现自己的目标 学习目标,同时留在我们的一个合作伙伴社区的当地社区 大学. 请注意,学生必须符合合作伙伴社区的入学标准 college that offers the geographical residency.


Our Partner Colleges

  • Blue Mountain 社区 College
  • Clatsop 社区 College
  • Central Oregon 社区 College
  • Columbia Gorge 社区 College
  • Lane 社区 College – Florence Center 
  • Oregon Coast 社区 College
  • Southwestern Oregon 社区 College
  • Tillamook Bay 社区 College
  • Treasure Valley 社区 College


虽然这个项目不需要工作见习,但诊断成像学院 强烈鼓励学生参加工作见习,以确保这个领域是一个好的 适合. Contact the following sites to arrange a job shadow:




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