
Drug Free

林本顿社区学院: Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace and College Setting

I. Introduction

林本顿社区学院在法律上和道德上都致力于预防 of illegal drug use and the abuse of alcohol by both students and employees. Drug 而酗酒是一个严重的公共健康问题,影响着我们的总体健康水平 健康、性能和生产力. 此外,药物的使用会产生不良影响 影响组织的安全水平以及公众的信心和信任. 最后,关于 The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (公法101-226),

“...No institution of higher education shall be eligible to receive funds or any other form of financial assistance under any Federal program, including participation in 任何联邦资助或担保的学生贷款项目,除非它能证明 Secretary that it has adopted and has implemented a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees...”

简而言之,本文件是由博天堂官方制定的,以遵守现行的联邦法律 并对其学生和雇员进行健康风险教育和告知、咨询 and treatment resources, and sanctions for noncompliance. 林本顿将每两年举办一次 review this program to determine its effectiveness and implement changes if needed and to ensure the sanctions required are consistently enforced.

II. 行为准则


博天堂官方学生的权利,责任和行为准则(AR 7030-01)禁止 the following behaviors under the standards of student conduct:

Alcohol. Unlawful use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages. 公共中毒, 在学校财产或活动中拥有或使用,除非明确允许 根据学院政策. Disruptive behavior or other Code violations due to alcohol intoxication.

Drugs. Unlawful possession or distribution of unlawful drugs, or narcotics to those for whom they are not prescribed, except as expressly permitted by College policy. The 未成年人非法使用任何物质和/或非处方使用处方 不允许使用物质. Being impaired by the use of any non-prescribed substance is not permitted. Impairment shall be evidenced by inappropriate behavior.

Marijuana. Marijuana possession and/or use on campus is prohibited in all locations.

吸烟和使用烟草. Smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, or the use of other inhalants or tobacco products in any unauthorized location or by any person under the age of 21. 授权的位置 只在吸烟/吸电子烟的地方吗. Any attempts to purchase or distribute smoking or inhalant products that are unlawful (example, distribution to persons under 21). 见行政法规5045-02.

In addition, no student regardless of age may use, possess or distribute alcoholic 与博天堂官方一起前往任何大学赞助的旅行时,不得携带饮料或受管制物质 trip, activity, or other event, during the entire course of travel.

参加一些项目可能需要犯罪背景调查或吸毒/酗酒 testing. 博天堂官方 and its partners reserve the right to perform criminal background checks 和/或药物/酒精测试涉及安置接触弱势群体的项目 populations or when mandated by external agencies in accordance with employers and 根据州和联邦法律. 例子包括但不限于: to cooperative education, service learning and childcare.


The Board of Education seeks to ensure compliance with the Drug Free Workplace Act 1988年和1989年《博天堂官方》(公法) 101-226). It is also the goal of the board that the college intentionally promotes 为学生提供最高质量的教育体验 performance is not impeded by the use of drugs or alcohol.

博天堂官方特别禁止使用、分发或持有酒精,这是非法的 drugs or other unauthorized controlled substances while engaged in work duties on campus (including parking areas and grounds). 这一禁令包括使用 这些物质在非工作时间(如个人用餐/休息时间)或其他时间 performing their work duties away from college premises, if such use may result in job impairment.

This prohibition also applies to employees traveling overnight for college related 可能被要求或负责学生相关服务的功能,如损伤 may inhibit service quality and may cause potential liability under the college’s liability and workers’ compensation insurance policies. 包括在这个禁令中 are lawful controlled substances which have been illegally or improperly obtained.

Drugs and alcohol are not allowed on campus or at college-related functions except 因为它们与教学/学习过程有关,或者是特别允许和批准的 行政法规5045-01-使用学院设施和食物/会议服务.

所有员工和/或赞助商的任何校园或大学赞助的活动或社会 event at which alcoholic beverages are served must abide by all applicable laws and 可能适用的学院管理规则. 保荐人必须取得并遵守适用的规定 procedures.

III. 博天堂官方 Sanctions


The Students’ Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct Code outlines the procedures the college will follow for students who violate either the 毒品或酒精政策. These procedures provide for due process for students. Those 被发现有不当行为的人可能会受到以下纪律处分:

  • 给予警告 (请注意,某学生在特定情况下的行为不符合大学标准 and that continued misconduct may result in more serious disciplinary action);
  • 留校察看 (written notice that the student found in violation of the college standards may continue to be enrolled under stated conditions);
  • other 教育活动 sanctions to provide opportunities for students to learn about alcohol and other 吸毒和反思自己的行为;
  • 暂时排除 (exclusion from classes or activities for up to two class meetings or longer);
  • suspension (suspension for a fixed period of time which may include forfeiture of the right to enter the campus, exclusion from one or more classes, or exclusion from classes and/or activities; and
  • expulsion (根据学院发出的开除通知书,终止学生身份 President). 

可以实施进一步的补充制裁,以明确解决所涉及的问题 in the misconduct.


学院鼓励使用非法药物或滥用酒精的员工寻求帮助 适当的援助. Employees and/or dependents enrolled in any 博天堂官方 sponsored 根据规定,团体健康计划可获得药物和酒精滥用治疗津贴 俄勒冈州法规. 

As outlined in Administrative Rule 6135-01, Drug Free Workplace,如有必要,学院保留要求学生进行药物或酒精测试的权利 怀疑雇员可能正在使用毒品或受到毒品的影响和/或 工作时饮酒. In addition, any employee involved in or otherwise causing 对员工、学生、员工造成人身伤害的工伤事故 或其他需要医生或医院/诊所医疗人员治疗的疾病 personnel, and whose behavior may have caused or contributed to the accident, may be required to take an alcohol and/or drug test immediately following the accident or at the time of initial treatment by a medical care facility. 任何涉及的员工 in or otherwise causing an accident resulting in what 博天堂官方 deems substantial damage to 博天堂官方 property or to another's property while the employee is conducting College business may be required to take an alcohol and/or drug test. 此外,“险些”事件, where there is no personal or physical damage or injuries may be evaluated and 博天堂官方 将决定是否对任何或所有员工进行药物或酒精测试 involved.

Based on the facts leading to the discovery of a violation of this administrative 规则,员工可能会被转介到员工援助计划进行进一步评估 和处理和/或可能面临纪律处分,包括停职(没有) pay) or discharge. 的性质和严重程度 violation will determine the level 纠正措施. 根据联邦法律的要求, the College reserves the right to refer employees for prosecution depending on the 违规的严重程度.

林本顿社区学院 responds to cases of alcohol abuse and illegal drug activity by employees or students on a case-by-case basis. 每个案例的详细情况如下 与针对个人的任何法律行动的结果一起考虑. 员工和学生被发现违反了学院的无毒工作场所 政策和/或行政规则可能受到行为或纪律制裁 consistent with 林本顿社区学院 Administrative Rules and the Students’ Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct Code document.

Sanctions imposed by the College can range from a warning or disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or suspension from school. Other potential sanctions may include employment or academic probation, restrictions, attendance in an educational program, or referral to counseling or treatment.

博天堂官方 employees and students who violate drug laws are subject to prosecution in the courts. Additionally, the law requires the College to report to the United States Department of Education any recipient of federal financial aid (e.g., Pell Grants, etc.) who is convicted of a drug-related crime on college property or at college events. 

  1. 根据地方,州和联邦法律对非法持有的适用法律制裁, Use, or Distribution of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol
IV. Health Risks Associated With the Use of Illegal Drugs


抑制剂包括酒精、镇定剂和苯二氮卓类药物,如阿普唑仑或安定. They can cause:

  • Poor concentration, coordination and judgment
  • 不能推理和做决定
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Liver diseases
  • Ulcers
  • Birth defects
  • Depression
  • Malnutrition
  • 心脏病和中风
  • Certain cancers
  • Brain damage
  • Drowsiness
  • 注意力持续时间、记忆力和协调能力差
  • Confusion
  • Birth defects
  • 可能有肝脏疾病
  • 紧张、注意力不集中、判断力差、情绪波动、偏执或幻觉
  • 戒断引起的抑郁
  • Death from heart or respiratory failure, stroke or seizures
  • 肺部和声音损伤
  • 肝炎或爱滋病


Inhalants include glue, nitrous oxide and aerosol sprays.

  • Confusion
  • 走路困难
  • Rapid heart rate
  • 突发性脑损伤
  • 嗅觉受损
  • Liver damage
  • Lung damage
  • Kidney problems

Anabolic Steroids


  • 攻击行为
  • Mood swings
  • 戒断会导致抑郁
  • Liver disease
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • 高胆固醇水平
  • In men, breast development, small testicles and sterility
  • In women, deep voice, acne, hair growth and decrease in breast size

Revised 2018 In Compliance with Public Law 101-226 [Credits to Chemeketa Community College]

V. 根据地方,州和联邦法律对非法持有的适用法律制裁, Use, or Distribution of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol

下表列出管有主要毒品的一般罚则 联邦药物目录 



  • 可卡因(附表II): 500-4999克混合物
  • 可卡因基地(附表二): 28-279克混合物
  • 芬太尼(附表IV): 40-399克混合物
  • 芬太尼类似物(附表I): 10-99 g mixture
  • 海洛因(附表I): 100-999克混合物
  • LSD (Schedule I): 1-9 g mixture
  • 甲基苯丙胺(附表II): 5- 49g纯或50-499 g混合
  • 五氯苯酚(附表II): 10-99克纯或100-999克混合


  • First Offense: Not less than 5 years, and not more than 40 years. 如果死亡或严重受伤,不 二十年以下或终身以上. Fine of not more than $5 million if an individual, 如果不是个人的话,2500万美元.
  • Second Offense: Not less than 10 years, and not more than life. 如果死亡或重伤,生命 imprisonment. Fine of not more than $8 million if an individual, $50 million if not an individual.

For the substances/schedules and larger amounts:

  • 可卡因(附表II): 5公斤或以上的混合物
  • 可卡因基地(附表二): 280克或更多的混合物
  • 芬太尼(附表IV): 400克或更多混合物
  • 芬太尼类似物(附表I): 100克或更多的混合物
  • 海洛因(附表I): 1公斤或更多的混合物
  • LSD (Schedule I): 10克或更多的混合物
  • 甲基苯丙胺(附表II): 50g以上纯或500g以上混合
  • 五氯苯酚(附表II): 100克或以上纯或1公斤或以上混合


  • First Offense: Not less than 10 years, and not more than life. 如死亡或重伤,不得少于 超过20年,或者超过一生. Fine of not more than $10 million if an individual, 如果不是个人,也要5000万美元
  • Second Offense: Not less than 20 years, and not more than life. 如果死亡或重伤,生命 imprisonment. Fine of not more than $20 million if an individual, $75 million if not an individual.
  • 2次或以上前科: Life imprisonment. Fine of not more than $20 million if an individual, $75 million 如果不是个人.


  • 其他附表I及II物质 (and any substance product containing Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid): any amount
  • 氟硝西泮(附表I): 1 g


  • First Offense不超过20年. 如死亡或重伤,不得少于 than 20 years, or more than life. Fine $1 million if an individual, $如果不是个人的话,也有500万.
  • Second Offense不超过30年. 如死亡或重伤,不得少于 than life. Fine $2 million if an individual, $10 million 如果不是个人.

For 其他附表III物质 不论金额如何,罚款如下:

  • First Offense不超过10年. If death or serious bodily injury, not more than 15 years. Fine not more than $500,000 if an individual, $2.如果不是个人的话,也有500万.
  • Second Offense不超过20年. If death or serious bodily injury, not more than 30 years. Fine not more than $1 million if an individual, $如果不是个人的话,也有500万.

For 其他附表IV物质 (except for 1 g or more of Flunitrazepam) 不论金额如何,罚款如下:

  • First Offense不超过5年. Fine not more than $250,000 if an individual, $1 million 如果不是个人.
  • Second Offense不超过10年. Fine not more than $500,000 if an individual, $2 million 如果不是个人.

For 所有附表五物质 不论金额如何,罚款如下:

  • First Offense不超过1年. Fine not more than $100,000 if an individual, $250,000 if not an individual.
  • Second Offense不超过4年. Fine not more than $200,000 if an individual, $500,000 if not an individual.


大麻是一种受管制的物质,不得在大学校园内使用或持有.  博天堂官方行政法规6135-01规定"基于导致发现的事实 违反本管理规定的,可以将员工转交给员工 援助计划的进一步评估和治疗和/或可能面临纪律处分 action up to and including suspension or discharge. 的性质和严重程度 violation will determine the level 纠正措施. 根据联邦法律的要求, the College reserves the right to refer employees for prosecution depending on the 违规的严重程度. In addition to any disciplinary action that may be taken 反对个人,任何大学赞助或支持的团体 或者鼓励违反这一政策的,可能受到纪律处分,甚至可能被解散.”


Alcohol is an illegal drug for those under 21 years of age. 对于18岁以下的司机, ANY detectable amount of alcohol is grounds for losing their license until they are 18. Misrepresenting one’s age for the purpose of obtaining alcoholic beverages is C级轻罪. There are many more laws pertaining to alcohol and other drugs. 刑事定罪可能会阻止学生选择自己的职业道路或雇员 从大学的成功就业. 

VI. Programs Available to Assist Students and Employees



博天堂官方提供员工援助计划(EAP),适用于所有签约员工. 通过这个计划,每个签约员工和他或她的家属都是允许的 five visits per year at no cost for appraisal, limited counseling and/or referral. All employee contact with EAP is strictly confidential. 科瓦利斯(541-754-8004), 尤金(541-344-6929).

Other Resources

Substance Abuse
Addiction & 行为疗法
Al-Anon/Alateen (Lane County) 541-741-2841
Al-Anon/Alateen (Marion and Polk Counties) 503-370-7363
Al-Anon (Linn and Benton Counties) 541-967-6262
匿名戒酒会:莱恩县541-342-4113,林恩县和本顿县(每人24小时) day) 541-967-4252, Marion County 503-399-0599
Benton County Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program 541-766-6835
Linn County Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program

Emergency Help
ABHA Crisis Line 877-266-4357 (Alaska Behavioral Health Association)
Linn County Mental Health 541-967-3866, 800-304-7468
Northwest Human Services 800-560-5535 (Nights/Weekends)

Addiction & 行为疗法
Benton County Mental Health (Days) 541-766-6835
Linn County Mental Health 800-304-7468 or 541-967-3866
林本顿社区学院 Counseling Services 541-917-4780
Employee Assistance Program Corvallis 541-754-8004, Eugene 541-344-6929

Milestones Family Recovery Program 541-753-2230
Serenity Lane

Community Outreach/Sundowner House Medical Clinics 541-758-3000
家庭和机构走到一起(F).A.C.T.) 541-924-3720
健康车(博天堂官方) 541-967-3888
Oregon Health Plan (Application Center) 800-699-9075
俄勒冈SAFENET 1-800-SAFENET, (800-723-3638)

莱恩县卫生 & Human Services
Revised 2005 In Compliance with Public Law 101-226
Human Resources
Albany, OR 97321